About our OTF

Marex SA has been authorised by the French National Competent Authorities (AMF and ACPR) to operate an Organised Trading Facility (OTF). Marex SA OTF services will be available from its Paris and London locations.

Marex SA still provides OTC services for all products traded on the OTF, except those which are under an obligation to be traded on a trading venue.

Marex SA offers best execution to its clients. As such and in compliance with the regulation, the OTF Operator has a discretion to place or not a client order into the OTF unless its receives a client instruction to execute the order outside the venue.

When the Marex SA OTF Operator places an order into the OTF, he will manage to always meet the conditions of multi-laterality in making sure there are always three available clients interacting on the order it places.

The structure of Marex SA OTF is described in the table below:

Legal Entity MIC Code OTF Segment (1) Code MIC segments Trading Protocol Trading System
Marex SA

LEI Code


HPCX Commodity-related derivatives (2) HPCS Hybrid / Electronic HPC
Energy Trading
Bonds HPCO Hybrid / Electronic HPC eTrading
Interest rate and currency derivatives
Inflation linked derivatives
Bonds HPCV Voice HPC Voice OTF
Interest rate derivatives (except options on swaps)

Currency derivatives

Equity Derivatives (3)

(1) For details on the products traded on the OTF see General Rulebook.
(2) Only Wholesale energy products that must be physically settled fulfilling the conditions set out Article 5 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017/565.
(3) When the Equity Derivative traded on the OTF has a cash equity hedge, the hedge will not be traded on the OTF in any case.


Document Date
General Rulebook View Document Link Icon
Product instruction View Document Link Icon
OTF Trading Model Description View Document Link Icon
HPC SA OTF Rate Card: HPC Voice OTF – HPCV View Document Link Icon
HPC SA OTF Rate Card: HPC eTrading – HPCO View Document Link Icon
HPC SA OTF Rate Card: HPC Energy Trading – HPCS View Document Link Icon
Publications Pre et Post transactions View Document Link Icon