Partenariat Guillaume Burger / Paris 2024
L’ACBB, club omnisport composé de 33 sections et de plus de 10000 adhérents est représenté dans 49 disciplines dont le canoë-kayak avec une tradition […]
Finir l’été bronzé 😎🥉
Le bilan du mois d’août: MÉDAILLE de BRONZE Championnats d’Europe de Munich Et 6ème place aux championnats du Monde à Halifax La saison 2022 […]
Partenariat Guillaume Burger / Paris 2024
L’ACBB, club omnisport composé de 33 sections et de plus de 10000 adhérents est représenté dans 49 disciplines dont le canoë-kayak avec une tradition […]
Prestige Fight Cannes – Lele Sadjo vs Gogichashvili
Press Release
OTCex Group executed and signed on 11th of July 2022 Agreements to sell its Voice Brokerage Activities to Marex, a leading worldwide financial services […]
Sale of our Voice Brokerage Activities to Marex
Dear All, following our internal circulation dated 7 th of June, we are pleased to inform you about execution and signing yesterday of our […]
Exclusive talks between OTCex Group and Marex
Exclusive talks between OTCex Group and Marex Paris, June 14 th 2022 OTCex Group has entered into exclusive negotiations with Marex, a leading worldwide […]
Happy New Year VGA Haltérophilie et Musculation
Kevin Lele Sadjo European Champion
Dear All, notwithstanding the new pandemic relapse, Kevin Lele Sadjo has achieved an awesome performance on Saturday night in Manchester AO Arena where he […]
Howlite creation
We are delighted to inform you that HPC Investment Partners has finalized the entire environment for creating its special purpose vehicle (SPV), which will be […]
OTCex is putting its expertise at the service of digitalization in Money Markets
Key player of the European Money Markets, thanks to a diversified customer base covered by its brokerage firm HPC, the OTCex group will soon […]
Comment contribuer au nécessaire Pacte de Réindustrialisation
Comment contribuer au nécessaire Pacte de Réindustrialisation de notre Pays en réorientant l’Epargne des Français vers les Filières Manufacturière, Technologique et Scientifique d’avenir ? […]
Signature of the partnership of excellence between ESSEC and our OTCex / HPC Group
We are pleased to announce signing and conclusion of an Excellence Partnership « Technological Disruptions and Citizenship : New Key Issues for Economic and […]
Les 2 Athlètes Dora Tchakounte et Garance Rigaud
Les 2 athlètes Dora TCHAKOUNTE et Garance RIGAUD sont Saint Maurienne du club de la VGA et soutenues par notre partenaire HPC Dora TCHAKOUNTE […]
HPC IP: change of guard triggers product expansion
Anglo-French structured products specialist boutique HPC Investment Partners (HPC IP) is entering a new phase following the departure of founders Pierre-Yves Breton, Jordan Sfez […]
Buy-side view: playing the pre-IPO market
Investment banks are creating new teams to trade the shares of pre-IPO giants including SpaceX, Robinhood and Airbnb. Specialist boutique HPC Investment Partners has been offering access to these underlyings via structured products for some time, in response to institutional demand. SRP spoke HPC Investment Partners directors, Mehdi Rayane and Ilya Zuckerman, about their experience…
HPC IP: Platforms not a factor of disruption for sophisticated investors
Following the launch of the HPC IP’s Skyline tool, SRP spoke to Pierre-Yves Breton, founding partner at the firm, about its activities and goals, and […]
Bond Wizards Find Exotic Ways to Profit From Negative Yields
It’s the bond market equivalent of alchemy: converting negative interest rates into a bonanza of yield via the magic of derivatives. In a $15 trillion world of sub-zero debt, investment banks are creating exotic solutions for investors looking to bet on everything from ever-lower rates to the bullish credit cycle. Powered by swaps and options,…
FinLab Inauguration, February 5 2019
Speech given by Olivier STEPHANOPOLI : The inauguration of the Finance Lab of our School on this 5th February 2019 is for me a great […]
Wall Street’s FANG Notes for Mom and Pop Buckle on Tech Pain
Retail investors who have ridden the boom in technology companies via exotic bonds are facing a reality check. With banks selling $2 billion of structured products linked to one or more of the now-struggling FANG members this year alone, investors are getting schooled on the risks lurking in complex debt securities — even those laden…
A lookback at 2016
If you look at Brexit, everyone was expecting a massive volatility spike, but what happened was very short-term. A lot of structured products have longer maturities and actually volatility decreased in the long end of the curve. It was the same thing with the U.S. election. With Trump’s election, people expected the market to go…